Queen Bees & Wannabes

Queen Bees & Wannabes

20 juni 2023 • Boek •

When Rosalind Wiseman first published Queen Bees & Wannabes,

she fundamentally changed the way adults look at girls’ friendships and

conflicts–from how they choose their best friends, how they express

their anger, their boundaries with boys, and their relationships with

parents. Wiseman showed how girls of every background are profoundly

influenced by their interactions with one another.

Now, Wiseman has revised and updated her groundbreaking book for a new generation of girls and explores:

•How girls’ experiences before adolescence impact their teen years, future relationships, and overall success

different roles girls play in and outside of cliques as Queen Bees,

Targets, and Bystanders, and how this defines how they and others are

•Girls’ power plays–from fake apologies to fights over IM and text messages
•Where boys fit into the equation of girl conflicts and how you can help your daughter better hold her own with the opposite sex

your baggage–recognizing how your experiences impact the way you

parent, and how to be sanely involved in your daughter’s difficult, yet

common social conflicts

Packed with insights about technology’s

impact on Girl World and enlivened with the experiences of girls, boys,

and parents, the book that inspired the hit movieMean Girls offers concrete strategies to help you empower your daughter to be socially competent and treat herself with dignity.

  • Boek
  • Ouders
  • ISBN 9780307454447
  • Rosalind Wiseman
  • Harmony Books